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Spider Queen Reborn Мод 1.7.10

Доброй ночи или дня всем кто захотел зайти на сайт modov-minecraft.NET в поисках нового мода для себя. Именно у меня на сайте Вы сможете найти тысячи модов для себя и своих друзей. А ещё очень важно что моды есть для всех версий игры minecraft, потому что сайт очень старый и давно выкалывает новость. Так что можете найти моды для 1.5.2 — 1.12.1. Но сейчас речь пойдет о очень популярной до сих пор версии minecraft 1.7.10 и мод доступен только для неё. Читаем обзор и знакомимся с ним.

Spider Queen Reborn — этот мод посвящен паукам и всему что с ними связанно. Модификация сделает из Вас настоящего короля или королеву паков. Создавайте свою армию из пауков и станете не непобедимыми, они смогут помогать игроку в бою и ещё как король или королева пауков Вы сможете лучше видеть в темноте, залазить на стены и потолки, захватывать игроков и монстров в ловушки из паутины, создавать новых пауков которые будут защищать Вас. Сделайте свою собственную армию и станьте не непобедимым! Погрузитесь на сторону зла и подружитесь с плохими мобами — криперами, зомби и скелетами. Для этого давайте им сердца, мозги и черепа. Теперь Вы станете королем ночи и темноты! Эта модификация способна полностью перевернуть игру, смысл в ней и вообще игровой мир minecraft! Ещё он имеет множество разных возможностей и особенностей, их можно прочитать в списке под описанием. Его я покажу прямо сейчас.

— Это дополнение позволит Тебе стать королем или королевой пауков.
— Вы сможете захватывать пауков, а потом выпускать их в качестве своих миньонов.
— Будет много новых видов паков.
— Есть возможность улучшать и совершенствовать своих пауков.
— С помощью мода собирайте войны и заводите новых союзников против врагов.
— Ночное виденье;
— Можно будет даже управлять пауками своими руками.
— А ещё очень крутая вещь кровать пауков. Создайте её чтобы спать днем и просыпаться ночью. Очень необычная штука, никогда ничего подобного я даже не видел и не слышал!

Web: предмет который используют для создания коконов.

Poison Web: ловушка, будет вредить любому существу что находиться внутри него.

Spider Rod этот предмет заставляет других пауков двигаться за Вами. Такая себе приманка для пауков.

Recall Rod — порождает кучу пауков которые у Вас есть!

А теперь качаем сам мод. Любой посетитель сайта сможет сделать это совершенно бесплатно и без вирусов, он проверен антивирусом и полностью безопасный для Вас! Чтобы скачать дополнение нажимайте на кнопку внизу. А пока у меня на это всё, устанавливайте моды и изменяете свой minecraft как сами захотите! До свидания и до новых встреч!

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Spider Queen Reborn Mod 1.7.10 (Rule Over a Spider Army)

Author: djoslin, Wild Bama Boy, Radix-Shock ❘ September 18, 2017 ❘ 111,297 views

Spider Queen Reborn Mod 1.7.10 reverses the role of the player in Minecraft by placing them in the role of a monster instead of a human. As the Spider Queen, you will be able to see better in the dark, climb up and swing from walls and ceilings, catch monsters and humans, and use them to create new spiders that will protect you from danger. Create an army and a family! Be a monster today.

Explore the darkness to your heart’s content. Make friends with the skeletons, creepers, and zombies by giving them hearts, skulls, and brains. Befriend the creatures of the night! Battle roving bands of humans, or be friends with them. Create an army and a family! Be a monster today.

This mod puts you as the Spider Queen (Or King) and gives a whole new spin on how to play the game.


  • Become the Spider Queen or the Spider King, disable the mod without uninstalling it, and easily change your Queen’s/King’s skin with an in-game item.
  • Capture creatures and use them to breed many unique spiders, including Boom Spiders, who attack with explosions, Ender Spiders, who spawn minions to assist them in a fight, and Carrier Spiders, who can carry items for you.
  • Level up your spiders and improve their abilities by engaging in combat.
  • Climb walls using webbing, or swing across long distances using the webslinger.
  • Maintain a reputation with various creature groups, start wars and gather allies.
  • Fight and defeat humans who have the names and skins of real Minecraft players! Golden names are developers.
  • Constantly track your prey with night vision – enabled by crafting the Bug Light.
  • Control your spiders and followers with the Spider Rod.
  • Craft a Spider Bed to sleep during the day and wake up at night.


Crafting Recipes:

Web: Web is crafted using three bits of string in any order. Use it to cocoon creatures or climb walls.

Poison Web: Poison web hurts any creature that steps inside of it. They’re great for traps!

Spider Rod: Use a spider rod to make your spiders and friends follow you. Place it on the ground and they will stay around it. You must lure a friendly bee with flowers, not the spider rod.

Recall Rod: Instantly spawns all of your spiders and friends at your current location. It will not call a friendly bee back to your location – you must use a flower to lure it to you.

Web Slinger: This is a fun item! Jump to reel yourself in or sneak to drop down.

Spider Bed: Create a 5×5 frame using logs and fill in the remaining 3×3 square with full web. Shoot the ground twice!

How to play:

Getting Started

  • The mod has an extensive configuration page located at Main Menu->Mods->Spider Queen->Config. Use it.
  • The Spider Queen can see at night, and experiences weakness during the day.
  • Previously hostile creatures are now friendly towards you, unless you attack them 3 times, in which case only that creature will become angry and hostile. Kill it and your reputation with those creatures may decrease.
  • You can play as the Spider Queen, as your own character with a spider body, or you can be a human with the Spider Queen’s abilities. Playing as the Queen is default.
  • To use your character with the spider body, visit the mod’s configuration page and set Use player skin to true.
  • To opt-out of using the spider queen model, visit the mod’s configuration page and set Use spider queen model to false. Restart your game after changing this setting.
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Crafting Web

  • As you walk around, you will begin to produce string which can be spun into web by placing three string in any order into your crafting slots. You do not need to use a crafting table.
  • You can gather more string by taking it from other spiders, or cocooning and eating creatures.
  • Hint: You’ll create web after eating food as well. You can eat normal food constantly to generate infinite string!

Shooting Web

  • Once you’ve crafted some web, use it! You can either web other creatures into cocoons, use the web in crafting recipes, or use it to climb walls or set traps.
  • Hint:If you have difficulty cocooning a creature, try to lower its health. Weaker creatures are easier to cocoon!

Gathering Eggs

  • You gather spider eggs from eating cocooned creatures. Each time you eat a creature, it will produce some string and possibly a spider egg.
  • Once you’ve gotten a spider egg, congratulations! You can now lay it anywhere and it will begin to grow.

Creating Spiders

Once you lay an egg it will grow into a spider after a few minutes.

Be careful where you place your eggs. A newly hatched spider will consume the nearest cocooned creature, which may or may not give it special abilities. Below are all of the special spiders and their abilities.

If the creature you’ve cocooned is not one of these creatures, the spider will become a normal-sized retextured spider with no special abilities.

If there is no cocoon nearby when an egg hatched, the spider will be extremely small and weak.


  • While playing as the spider queen, you may notice that you can no longer sleep in beds. Since you are now a creature of the night, you can only sleep during the day in a special spider bed!
  • The spider bed is a 5×5 frame of logs filled in with full webbing. What this means is that you must shoot the ground twice so that the web is one block high.

This is NOT correct! Shoot each web again.

This is correct! You will see the web’s texture change.


You may also notice that previously hostile creatures will no longer attack you. This is because Spider Queen uses a reputation system. If you maintain a good reputation with a group of creatures, they will be friendly towards you and even aid you in fights!

However, if you kill creatures, your reputation will suffer with that group.

To increase reputation: Gift a member of a particular group of creatures an item that boosts reputation.

  • For zombies, skeletons, and creepers, these are brains, skulls, and hearts, respectively. To give these items, throw them on the ground near one of these creatures.
  • For bees, you must right-click a bee while holding any flower.
  • For humans, killing zombies, skeletons, and creepers will increase your reputation.

To decrease reputation: Kill members of a reputation group. With each kill, you have a 20% chance of getting your reputation lowered.

Hint: To kill creatures without affecting your reputation, use an invisibility potion!

If a reputation group likes you enough, they may give you one of their own to assist you in fights. You are notified when this happens.


Spider Queen adds several new creatures to the game. These are all detailed here:

  • Ants: Can be red or black. Hostile when attacked. Spawn underground in caves and dig towards the surface.
  • Bees: Come as Gatherers (pink), Warriors (red), and Queens (green). Gatherers can not attack, warriors have a deadly sting, and Queens can kill you very quickly! They spawn from beehives, which will appear within all types of trees.
  • Beetles: Spawns naturally, and attacks bees.
  • Flies: Spawn naturally. Right-click them for an easy snack.
  • Humans: Have three “richness” levels – poor, experienced, and rich, and seven types: warrior, archer, miner, prospector, noob, nomad, and farmer. The human’s richness and type determines how strong they are and what they will drop. Humans spawn naturally in the world, and also spawn in factories that rarely appear in your world.
  • Jack: A terrifying creature that emerges from pumpkin patches at night. Look for the pumpkin that doesn’t look quite right. Shoots powerful projectiles at you, and has a ton of health! This is a very difficult fight. Defeat him to take his lantern as a trophy!
  • Mandragoras: The mandragora is a plant that will use her vines to attack you from a distance. When killed, she can drop seeds, which you can use to grow your own Mandragora. If you’re nearby when it’s fully grown, it will be friendly towards you, otherwise it will be hostile. Friendly mandragoras give your crops a growth boost every few minutes.
  • Mini Ghast: A mini-ghast is obtained from a ghast egg. You can gather ghast eggs by trapping a Ghast in web and then hitting it. You can mount a mini-ghast and fly.
  • Spider Queens: Spider queens are hostile towards you, and are very strong. They can attack with swords or bows. They spawn rarely.
  • Wasps: Spawn commonly in the world. Attempt to sting you if you get too close. They drop stingers.
  • Yuki: Spawns in snowy biomes while it is actively snowing. Attacks with a freeze rod, which it can drop. The freeze rod can freeze you solid, turn water to ice, and douse fires.
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Factories are rare structures that spawn in plains, savannas, and deserts. They are inhabited by humans who have imprisoned random mobs from reputation groups.

You can break into factories and loot them as well as free the imprisoned mobs. To free them, simply right-click them when you see them. You’ll get a huge reputation boost by freeing them!

Spider Queen Reborn

The Spider Queen Reborn Mod puts you as the Spider Queen (Or King) and gives a whole new spin on how to play the game.

First of all you can change what you look like with the Skin Changer Wand. Once you have your selection you now get to explore the world as a spider. You’ll notice significantly more spiders in the world of all different types and even human mobs that are automatically your enemy. They can, however, be made your friend by increasing your reputation with them by doing good deeds or giving them gifts, same with other spiders.

When you craft a web with 3 pieces of string in any orientation, you’ll be able to cocoon mobs and eat them for sustenance. This is actually the only way you’ll be able to refill your food bar even though you can still eat normal food. Although you can cocoon other mobs than humans.

What’s great is you can gather a group a spiders as your minions that can assist in fighting, carrying items for you and even exploding in combat. Spider eggs have to be gathered from eating cocooned mobs. Once you get the egg you can place it anywhere and it will grow into a spider after a few minutes. Depending on what mob is cocooned will aid in what special abilities the hatched spider will possess, like the boom spider that grows from an egg gathered from a cocooned creeper.

These allies will grow with you and help you when an inevitable war breaks out with the enemy queen and her minions.

And what spider mod wouldn’t be complete without the ability to climb walls. Using the webbing you crafted earlier you can shoot that up walls just as you would a ladder and climb to your heart’s content.

And one more important thing you’ll need to know is you can only sleep during the day now and only in the specially crafted spider bed as shown below. Just shoot web at the ground twice in each spot to complete the bed.

You’ll also need to download the Radix-Core API in order to use this mod. Found here.

Spider Queen [SSP/SMP] [FORGE]

Become the spider queen or spider king!

Web up your prey!

Sneak up on unsuspecting humans. who have the skins of real Minecrafters!

Build you own spider lair and lay eggs!

Raise an army of spiders to fight wars for you!

The Spider Queen is reborn. be a monster today!

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-version 1.0.0 released on July 5th, 2015-

[your mod review here, seriously, send us one!]

We’re proud to finally release the Spider Queen mod, in all of its glory! For those unfamiliar with it, Spider Queen was a popular Minecraft mod by djoslin and Pullahoko that met its demise after the largely mod-breaking 1.3 update of Minecraft. It has been through several iterations in the past, one of which was written by me: Spider Queen Reborn.

We felt that Reborn did not live up to its predecessor, and we’re sure that its players felt that way too. So, in response, we’ve taken the original mod and ported it to 1.7.10. All original content is back, and better than ever!

Description starts here:
Spider Queen reverses the role of the player in Minecraft by placing them in the role of a monster instead of a human. As the Spider Queen, you will be able to see better in the dark, climb up and swing from walls and ceilings, catch monsters and humans, and use them to create new spiders that will protect you from danger!

Explore the darkness to your heart’s content. Make friends with mobs like skeletons, zombies, creepers, and bees. Befriend the creatures of the night! Battle roving bands of humans, or be friends with them. The choice is yours!

Create an army and a family! Be a monster today.

  • Humans are the enemy! Become the Spider Queen, or be yourself! You can keep a spider body with your player’s skin. The Spider Queen can use webslingers, create string to web up creatures, and even see in the dark!
  • Capture creatures and use them to breed many unique spiders, including Boom Spiders, Ender Spiders, and Pack Spiders.
  • Fight or befriend a variety of new creatures, including Bees, Mandragoras, Ants, Beetles, Wasps, and more!
  • Climb walls using webbing, or swing across long distances using the new and improved webslinger.
  • Conquer new in-game bosses, such as rival Spider Queens, Jack, and Yuki!
  • . and much more! See our How To Play page for an in-depth guide.

Looking for a guide? Check out our How To Play page for more in-depth information about Spider Queen.

7 Update Logs

Since Spider Queen is built on the original Spider Queen code, this changelog will read as if it has been updated from 1.2.5 to 1.7.10. All new features, fixes, and changes relating to that version will be detailed below. This changelog assumes that Spider Queen Reborn does not exist.
MAJOR: Spider Queen requires RadixCore v2.0.2 to run.
MAJOR: Spider Queen will now work with Minecraft 1.7.10.

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Feature: Achievements have been added to the game.
Feature: It is now possible to obtain a charged Boom spider.
Feature: Added Ender spider.
Feature: Added Pack spider.
Feature: Added Rider spider.
Feature: Added Yuki, a mob that spawns in snowy biomes while it is snowing. Drops the freeze rod.
Feature: Added friendly creatures. Acquire them by befriending a group of creatures.
Feature: Warrior bees now have a stinging animation.
Feature: Added freeze rod, which freezes creatures, turns water to ice, and douses flames.
Feature: Added spawn eggs for all mod creatures.
Feature: Added NPC factories that humans will spawn inside of. These factories are full of loot, and contain imprisoned mobs. Free imprisoned mobs by right-clicking them. You’ll get a reputation boost when you do so.
Feature: Added a configuration menu with loads of configuration options.
Feature: You can now overlay your skin on the Spider Queen model using the configuration menu.
Feature: Human reputation increased by killing creatures.
Feature: Killing a mob while invisible incurs no reputation penalty.
Feature: Friendly mandragora helps nearby crops grow.
Feature: Reward mobs will speak periodically.
Feature: Added recall rod, which calls all of your friendly creatures to you upon use.

Change: Wasps will drop stingers.
Change: You will experience a weakness debuff when in direct sunlight.
Change: Eggs are now 8 to a stack.
Change: Chance to get offering items from humans is now 30%.
Change: Wasps now make bee noises.
Change: Bees will fly to you if you have a flower in your hand.

Fix: Beehive spawning is now mod compatible.
Fix: Spider Queens and humans can now spawn on grass.

Removal: Ants are no longer part of the reputation system.

69 replies

—- Minecraft Crash Report —-
// Who set us up the TNT?

Time: 6/3/14 10:49 AM
Description: Ticking memory connection

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: n must be positive
at java.util.Random.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at com.radixshock.radixcore.logic.LogicHelper.getNumberInRange(LogicHelper.java:1205)
at spiderqueen.core.SpiderQueen.getRandomPlayerName(SpiderQueen.java:609)
at spiderqueen.entity.EntityFakePlayer. (EntityFakePlayer.java:74)
at spiderqueen.items.ItemSpawnPlayer.spawnEntity(ItemSpawnPlayer.java:45)
at spiderqueen.items.AbstractItemSpawner.func_77648_a(AbstractItemSpawner.java:79)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77943_a(ItemStack.java:126)
at net.minecraft.server.management.ItemInWorldManager.func_73078_a(ItemInWorldManager.java:385)
at net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer.func_147346_a(NetHandlerPlayServer.java:551)
at net.minecraft.network.play.client.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement.func_148833_a(SourceFile:60)
at net.minecraft.network.play.client.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement.func_148833_a(SourceFile:9)
at net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager.func_74428_b(NetworkManager.java:197)
at net.minecraft.network.NetworkSystem.func_151269_c(NetworkSystem.java:165)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:643)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:531)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:186)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:414)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:669)

— Head —
at java.util.Random.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at com.radixshock.radixcore.logic.LogicHelper.getNumberInRange(LogicHelper.java:1205)
at spiderqueen.core.SpiderQueen.getRandomPlayerName(SpiderQueen.java:609)
at spiderqueen.entity.EntityFakePlayer. (EntityFakePlayer.java:74)
at spiderqueen.items.ItemSpawnPlayer.spawnEntity(ItemSpawnPlayer.java:45)
at spiderqueen.items.AbstractItemSpawner.func_77648_a(AbstractItemSpawner.java:79)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77943_a(ItemStack.java:126)
at net.minecraft.server.management.ItemInWorldManager.func_73078_a(ItemInWorldManager.java:385)
at net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer.func_147346_a(NetHandlerPlayServer.java:551)
at net.minecraft.network.play.client.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement.func_148833_a(SourceFile:60)
at net.minecraft.network.play.client.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement.func_148833_a(SourceFile:9)
at net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager.func_74428_b(NetworkManager.java:197)

— Ticking connection —
Connection: net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager@1aee7f8
at net.minecraft.network.NetworkSystem.func_151269_c(NetworkSystem.java:165)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:643)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:531)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:186)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:414)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:669)

what does, «n must be positive» mean when it states that?

Spider Queen Reborn Mod 1.7.10/1.7.2

Oct 04, 2014 14,195 views Minecraft Mods


Spider Queen was a popular Minecraft mod that met its demise after the largely mod-breaking 1.3 update of Minecraft. Spider Queen: Reborn is a remake of the original mod.

Spider Queen reverses the role of the player in Minecraft by placing them in the role of a monster instead of a human. As the Spider Queen, you will be able to see better in the dark, climb up and swing from walls and ceilings, catch monsters and humans, and use them to create new spiders that will protect you from danger!

Explore the darkness to your heart’s content. Make friends with the skeletons, creepers, and zombies by giving them hearts, skulls, and brains. Befriend the creatures of the night! Battle roving bands of humans, or be friends with them. Create an army and a family! Be a monster today.


  • Become the Spider Queen or the Spider King, disable the mod without uninstalling it, and easily change your Queen’s/King’s skin with an in-game item.
  • Capture creatures and use them to breed many unique spiders, including Boom Spiders, who attack with explosions, Ender Spiders, who spawn minions to assist them in a fight, and Carrier Spiders, who can carry items for you.
  • Level up your spiders and improve their abilities by engaging in combat!
  • Climb walls using webbing, or swing across long distances using the webslinger.
  • Maintain a reputation with various creature groups, start wars and gather allies.
  • Fight and defeat humans who have the names and skins of real Minecraft players! Golden names are developers.
  • Constantly track your prey with night vision – enabled by crafting the Bug Light.
  • Control your spiders and followers with the Spider Rod.
  • Craft a Spider Bed to sleep during the day and wake up at night.

Screenshots and Recipes:

Web is crafted using three bits of string in any order. Use it to cocoon creatures or climb walls.

Poison Web

Poison web hurts any creature that steps inside of it. They’re great for traps!

Right-click an inferno spider when tiny flame particles are swirling around it. Inferno spiders will only generate up to 10 flame webs at a time.

Poison Barbs

Poison barbs are used to craft poisonous webbing. The fish is a pufferfish.

Spider Stone

The spider stone is used in the next two recipes. You must obtain it by killing regular Minecraft spiders.

Spider Rod

Use a spider rod to make your spiders and friends follow you. Place it on the ground and they will stay around it.

Craft to enable your night vision. You do not have to actually be holding this item, it just has to be somewhere in your inventory.

Skin Switcher

Craft to change your spider skin to one of four spider queens or the spider king.

Web Slinger

This is a fun item! Jump to reel yourself in or sneak to drop down. Also use it to bring enemies toward you or drag them around.

Spider Bed

Create a 5×5 frame using logs and fill in the remaining 3×3 square with full web. Shoot the ground twice!

Mod Review:

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